Ovulation tests

Georgina • Mummy to a yummy 🌈 baby boy 27/07/2016. Preemie 🌈 Twin boys 30/03/2019

Am I doing something wrong? I only ever seem to be able to get no lines, very very faint lines or 2 very visible lines but one is never as dark as the control line on my ‘peak days’ then testing the next day the second line doesn’t appear again. Following 2 apps I should peak 15-18 (wednesday-today) today I’ve got 2 I have 2 lines but one isn’t quite as dark as the control line. Are these tests not any good or should I take this as I am ovulating? I’m so confused as this happens every month with several different brands. Me and hubby have said if it doesn’t happen this month we are switching to clear blue digital.