1st Cycle off the Pill


My last day on the (yaz/gianvi if anyone is wondering) pill after 8 years was 10/24 and it was the last hormonal day of my pill pack. I had the standard withdrawal bleeding on 10/27.

I took OPKs to see if I ovulated, but only got negatives. I do drink a lot of water, plus I have heard 2:00 PM is the best time to test and that is impossible for me with work.

Glow said I would be most fertile on 11/10. On 11/12 I had a lot of ovulation twinges on my right side that lasted 3 days. I was very aware of that pain whenever my bladder was full. I'm guessing maybe that was my Ovulation day? Not sure.

Then on 11/14 I had some kind of sticky CM (a lot) and even though it wasn't fertile CM I was just excited to have any at all so we BDed.

This past week I had a kind of heavy feeling in my uterus, which I am attributing to the first month in 8 years it has lined with blood in prep for my period sometime between 11/24 and 11/30 ( not sure what my cycle is going to be like yet).

Anyway all this detail to wonder if this all sounds normal and good? I've been worried it would take a while for everything to even back out after 8 years on the pill, but I feel like I am getting positive signs that maybe I ovulated even if I got negative OpKs, and maybe my body is doing what is supposed to.

How did other people feel the month immediately coming off?