She's here 😍😍


My little girl has finally arrived! She made her entrance on the 16th of November at 9.07am weighing 7lb and 6oz. My waters broke on wens night and half hour later I was getting contractions that got worse and closer as time went on! We went to the hospital when they we're one minute apart at this stage I couldn't walk so had to be wheel chaired in! I had only made it till 5cm and ended up taking the gas to help ease my mind not to long after I got to 9cm and hoped in the birthing pool at this stage my body was urging me to push so at each contraction I was pushing as well as her head was so low and I couldn't not push. After another hour I was ready to push her out after two pushes her head was out and another three her body was out 10 mins all up and she was out! I really amazed my self being a first time mumma! I now have the perfect daughter soo very much blessed