Am I overreacting?


Hi ladies! I'm 33 weeks pregnant with a 19 month old. This week I got hit with the stomach flu and it was hell, throwing up all night into the morning and just overall felt HORRIBLE. My husband has 5 sick days left for the year(hasn't used any) and I really needed his help with our son so I could rest/puke/keep hydrated. I was honestly just worried for my baby! He left me crying and throwing up bc he didn't want to "put his co workers in a bind" even though they would of been staffed enough and he would of gotten paid. I felt so abandoned and spent most of the day crying, which made my son cry, which made me cry more. Granted, I'm super pregnant, tired and sick. I'm seriously mad at him though. He left me that morning without even making sure I had water/crackers and just left. So, he could of easily called on and gotten pad but felt to awkward to make the call and upset coworkers. 😑 I seriously feel like how can I trust you to take care of me in labor and after birth if you made a decision like this when I was so vulnerable and needed help. Am I overreacting?