Ultrasound scare...


Hi ladies,

So yesterday I received a call from my doctors office. The call started off normal as I just recently received my 20 week ultrasound and they were calling with my results.

She started saying “Everything on the ultrasound was pretty much normal, however...”

*my heart sank*

“We noticed an echo in the babies heart. Sometimes it’s just a fluke and it goes away but its also something we see in babies with down syndrome and things of those sorts. Your doctor will explain more when you see her but we are gonna schedule another ultrasound for 4-6 weeks from now.”

Okay so, if I have a child with Down syndrome it will change nothing. I will still have all the love in the world for it. However I’m going and I would like to know what’s going on ASAP to prepare. Also, at every appointment when we saw or listened to the heart they always commented that it sounded sting and healthy so I was shocked when I got the call.

Has anyone received a call like this or had an “echo” in the heart? I’m just trying to understand what this could mean.