Is this right? (Read all)

So basically, I dated this guy for 3 years, he laid his hands on me multiple times, was emotionally and verbally abusive. I never called the police, he told me if I loved him I wouldn’t do that. Well one day I decided I had enough. I left him. The next day I went over to his house (I had went to my parents the night before) to get my newborn baby, at the times, crib. Well he got out of bed, kicked the crib, broke it, laughed about it, so I asked him, is it really funny? And he goes yeah it is you stupid cunt. So I smacked him across the face. Well he called the police and they arrested me even though I had bruises all over my arms from him trying to force me out the door before they arrived.

Well this was 3 months ago and I finally got a verdict. I was charged with attempted assault. When I was talking to my lawyer on the last court date, it was like he had no idea what was going on. The judge, and the lawyer did not care about the bruises on my arms. Didn’t care that he tried to kill me, (pulling my hands off the steering wheel going 70 mph), broke my car, or that he was abusive to me for 3 years.

OOOH, and he said I have track marks up my arms from my drug use. I’ve never used needles and I showed them my arms . No one cared.

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