not producing enough milk



I am so sad and could burst out in tears. my daughter will be 3 weeks Monday and I just switched her to breastmilk yesterday (had to finish mediciation). yesterday she took 3 oz of breast milk one bottle, than the next bottle 2.5 oz breast milk and then it started going downhill. I couldn't pump much. the next bottle 1 oz breast milk than 2 oz formula an than the next bottle 1.5 breast milk and 1 oz formula.... And than i could kill myself, I set an alarm to get up to pump and apparently slept right through it for SIX hours!! yes my 3 week old slept that long !! but I wake up in complete panic and pump 3 oz enough for her to eat. But I am feeling so discouraged and heart broken that I can't pump enough to feed her only breastmilk. I keep telling myself any breastmilk is better than NO breastmilk, but how ture is this? I feel like I can't do the one thing my body is made to do. I've been drinking as much water as I can stomach, eating oatmeal, tried hand expression, tried letting her latch on. tried power pumping too. 😭

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I was in the same boat. We worked with a lactation consultant and it was the best decision, but I was never able to produce enough for her. Same as you I decided some breast milk was better than none. We made it to 6 months and 1 week. I am hugely proud of that, but it was never easy. You are doing the right thing adding formula. Fed is always best. You are what your baby needs. Your love, time and care. Give yourself permission to be ok with this. You’re doing an amazing job. A few things that helped me push my supply: beef with lots of veggies and rice. Something about the simple carbs and protein I think. Lots of water. Every time I pumped I drank 1 L. Pump every 3-4 hours. Look at your baby. Think of your baby. Watch your baby while pumping. And try to put yourself into a calm space while you do. Stress can make things harder.


Posted at
There is nothing wrong with feeding a baby both breast and formula while you are building up your supply. Essentially you just started breastfeeding it will take a bit for your body to adjust to your needs. Do your best to stay relaxed and to drink lots of water to encourage your supply to grow. Breastfeeding and pumping are huge commitmemts on your body but offering yourself as often as possible and pumping alot will start to help to. You got this!


Posted at
I only pumped too, I never made more than 4oz at a time but she has such a good immune system, she is so healthy. Trust me every stop counts. If you keep pumping every 3 or so hours it will pick up! She would just fall asleep on my boobs so I just kept pumping. For every hour I waited I would get that in ounces. So 3 hours I would get 3oz ect... trying to boost my supply never really worked. She made it 5 months on just what I made before needing to give her formula. Keep trying it will happen!


Victoria • Nov 19, 2017
every drop counts* spelling error sorry!


Posted at
Your body knows that the pump is not the baby , it must get used to learning that . You need to breastfeed every 2-3 hours and your body will know that your baby needs more & so the next time it will create more if you pump and don’t breastfeed your body gets confused . Everytime you breastfeed your body will create more to satisfy what the baby needs .


Posted at
My lactation consultant told me that even a few drops is better than nothing. The most I ever pumped in one sitting was half an ounce, though--and that only happened once. Hope you have better luck than I did!