Are you okay with your SO giving cheek kisses as greeting?

My boyfriend is Latino and I understand it’s a friendly gesture. But it makes me uncomfortable only when he does it with this one girl. Because she likes him more than a friend.

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Posted at
Um that's ok. I do it too, my whole family does it. If it bothers you then talk to him. It's either a kiss to the cheek or a hug as greetings for us.

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Honestly if that’s how he was raised I’d be okay with it. Lol also if you make him stop she’s gonna know it makes you uncomfortable, haha personally I’d rather let it happen and know she’s thinking about more than a cheek kiss, and how’s he’s YOURS. Haha maybe that’s just me though 😜


Posted at
My husband is Hispanic, Cuban to be exact, and cheek kiss greetings are completely the norm! I'm Italian and grew up with a large Lebanese family (aunts husband), so it's also really normal and second nature. I've never felt uncomfortable with my husband doing this with anyone though. So maybe you should tell your SO about the uneasy feeling you get when he does it to that one girl you spoke of.


Posted at
Yes that's how I was raised and how his family raised him. A lot of people in our area are like that. I hug and kiss all of my friends and his on the cheek. It's harmless, just a greeting. If you're uncomfortable with it talk to him. It'll be awkward for him to just stop doing it though. People might see it as rude.


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We are European so for us it's normal. But... If you are uncomfortable with a female friends of his that's an entire different topic. Because I imagine that wouldn't stop if he stopped kissing her on the cheek


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If he has always done this and does this with everyone, then no. If this is a new thing and he only does it with certain people, then yes. It sounds like it's cultural and you probably will have to get used to it, not unless you don't mind culture shaming him into stopping which I wouldn't recommend.


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lol it's normal, but tell him how you feel about the girl


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my husband does it, and it doesnt bother me at all cause thats how we great. ofc he only does it to his family members and my family members.


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This is normal where I am as's just a greeting, nothing to worry about.