TYC with so much negativity around

LaKeisha • PCOS, endometriosis, TTC First blessing for 7 years!Living life, animal lover, school geek, blessed and unusual

Hello beautiful ladies! Been married for 7 yrs. Start having hormone issues at 19 I am 31. My mother in law keeps telling me that I am trying to rush God’s timing by seeing a fertility specialist. I believe that God gave us doctors to help with our problems. Yes he is a healer but he also gave us common sense! I have PCOS and endometriosis! I feel as if it is going to work this time! But I am preparing my self just in case doesn’t so I will not be so upset this time. I am the only one around me that has this issue and I am just tired of the negativity and I try to talk to people but they just do not understand!