Tick, tock! The clock strikes ??..

I'm 39 & do not have kids. My original plans in my younger days was to focus on my career, travel the world, and kids were not included in my plans. 11 years ago, my plans changed when my sister had my beautiful niece. I was there during the birth and fell in love with that little crumbsnatcher! Although I was not ready then, I did change my mind about including kids in my future. Fast forward to 2017, I have 19 years of service with my company, June 2018 will mark 20 years! Guess what?! Several times this year alone, I have contemplated resigning. They are petty, disrespectful, & do not value hard work. They value those that will be their puppets and do "their" song & dance. Ugh! Only 5 more years to go and I will kindly give them the peace sign! Counting it down! Anyhow, I am finally involved in a relationship that is filled with love, respect, support, & adoration. I am ready to now have a family. I have now discovered that I have uterine fibroids. WTH?! I finally am at a place where I am ready & I feel like my dreams of having kids have been snatched away from me. I had a CT scan & transvaginal ultrasound to confirm the truth. My doctor has advised me that I should undergo a myomectomy. I am afraid of the unknown & the 6-8 week healing process. Having fibroids reduces my chance of getting pregnant by 70%. My SO & I do not use protection and I am currently waiting for AF to show up! I am only a few days late but of course I am wondering if I could be preggo. My breast & swollen & super tender to the touch. My lower back hurts and I have made several bathroom trips & crave food & naps! I am not ready to take a test yet...just gonna see if AF pulls a fast one on me & have her reek havoc in my world for 5 solid days! Will keep you posted...