Lack of sleeping


Hey guys! I’m wondering if any of you can offer some help or have had a similar issue

My little guy is 3 months old and he fights going for naps and sleeping at night every night. During the day he only has a half hour nap about an hour after each bottle and he will only nap if I hold him. If I try to lay him down he instantly wakes up. Then trying to put him down for the night, I try to rock him and he arches his back and cries and will not go down. I try at 7,8,9 and he just will not go down. When he finally does go to sleep he is up every 3-3.5 hours. And during the day he goes 3.5 hours between feeds. I don’t know what to do or why he is doing this. I feel like how can he not be exhausted cuz I sure am.