Prenatals causing heart palpitations


I just started taking prenatals a week ago, and I’ve been getting heart palpitations a little while after I take a pill. It doesn’t happen every single time, but at least once a day, and always about half an hour after taking a prenatal. I’ve had random palpitations here and there throughout my life, but never this many before, so I’m pretty sure it’s because of the vitamins. I’m not going to take any tomorrow or the next day and see if the palpitations go away. Has anyone else experienced this? What do I do if prenatals all give me palpitations?

I should mention the ones I’m taking are Honest Company 3 per day. I have MTHFR, which is why I’m taking the Honest prenatals - they have methylfolate and methylcobalamine. I wonder if it’s anything to do with that...