Rant SIL

Kyla. • I’m a 20 year old stay at home mom to a amazing little boy named Hayden and I’m happily married for 3 years and we just bought our first house! In my spare time I do photography which I had done until becoming s sahm

So it’s Christmas time and I’m very well off and she’s stable. Well I bought her kids Christmas gifts cause she couldn’t afford them no big deal right and I got stuff for my little one well she got upset when I told her she didn’t have to pay it back and she got upset and went off on me, but that’s not it she told my husband that I was selfish and didn’t buy her daughter the play house she wanted and she was upset and that he should just send her money for Christmas shopping next year?! Then she followed with that I spent more on my 1 kid then her 3? Why can’t she just be happy I bought her kids Christmas so that they could have one?