why cant they be closer already😭😭


hey ladies...taking me forever to wright this atm bc of contractions and diarrhea sorry tmi😷 but i am so over all this😭 ive been having prodromal labor for three days now but contractions never get close enough to go to hospital. i am so nauseous and contractions arent getting any weaker. I am only 34 weeks but ive already been in active labor once and 29 weeks and started to go back into labor again at 32. both times the hospital stopped it and sent me home with something to stop contractions but only as needed. it hasnt been working when i needed it and now that im 34 weeks they told me to stop taking it all together contractions or not. i keep thinking that this finally may be the end of my pregnancy but then when it gets to be about 5 or 6 a.m after not sleeping because of contractions. they start to space out immensely until about 6 or 7 pm. i am so ready for this to be done with i have had so many torn back muscles almost broke a rib and was so sick some days i couldnt even keep down more than a sip of water. i hate complaining when there are so many women that try so hard to get pregnant but i just dont know if i can do this😭.