Baby story♥️

Destiny • Amiyah Shae 11/19/17♥️

Started out by coming to the hospital at 7 this morning for having back and pelvic pain that kept me up all night long! The nurse checked me and I was still only 1 cm dilated. Took a urine sample and it was really dark so they thought maybe I was dehydrated and that could be why my back was hurting so bad. So they started me on an IV fluid drip, after two bags they checked me again at 10 to see that I had dilated to a 3! They had finally realized that I wasn't only dehydrated but I was really having back labor the entire time! She had been breeched for this entire pregnancy but one of the nurses said they felt her sutures which means she had turned head down. The doctor did an ultrasound to confirm it but said she was still breech and that the nurse had probably felt her buttcrack😂 he had given me my options on either trying to have her naturally, trying to turn her or just having a c section. I knew that a c section was the safest way to go. I told him I would like to have a c section and he said okay that it would have been my best choice. I asked him when he would be doing it and he said well we will start prepping you and it'll be in about two hours!!! I never thought I would be having my little girl today but I couldn't be happier to have her in my arms♥️ at 5:38 pm on 11/19/17 I gave birth to my baby girl weighting at 6 pounds 2 ounces 19 inches long. I never thought I could love anyone so much until I heard her cry for the very first time. I love you Amiyah shae ♥️💕😍

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Posted at
How many weeks were you?? And congratulations!!!


Lo • Nov 24, 2017
am on bedrest on go bathroom


Lo • Nov 24, 2017
am 27 weeks will be 28 on sunday kept having cramping n contractions n they had to do a test if i will have baby within two weeks n it came out positive i had to get two steriods shots to help baby lungs development in case i were to fall into labor


Lo • Nov 24, 2017


Posted at
Awww. So beautiful. Congrats hun! ❤️❤️❤️


Destiny • Nov 21, 2017
Thank you ♥️


Posted at
Congrats!!!! She’s so beautiful 😍


Destiny • Nov 25, 2017
Thank you💕


Posted at
Did you feel the c section? And how are you feeling now? I️ was going to be induced to have a vaginal delivery but I’m leaning toward a c section. Congrats!!❤️


Amanda • Nov 24, 2017
I had 2 of them


Amanda • Nov 24, 2017
I had w of them n it hurt for the 1st 2 or 3 days n then the pain slowly goes away TMI u don't bleed as much as if u pushed ur baby out n u don't bleed so long just a week or 2


Destiny • Nov 20, 2017
They give you a choice between an epidural or different pain medication. Plus you get oxygen during the procedure as well


Posted at
congrats ! shes so cute !!


Destiny • Nov 22, 2017
Thank you so much ♥️


Posted at
Congrats 💖💖


Destiny • Nov 21, 2017
Thank you 💕