Premature to now. 😱😱😱😱
Okay so it’s about time I tell my birth story...
9 weeks ago I gave birth six weeks early. My fundal height was always measuring 3-4 weeks behind and so I was sent for regular scans. On the Monday I was scanned and they noticed baby hadn’t grown in two weeks. I told them I’d had reduced movements and they took me to hospital that night for monitoring. I did a urine sample and was told I had pre-eclampsia. My consultant said that if one more thing came up he was going to induce me. I was moved to a ward for more monitoring.
The next morning I had another Scan and babies fluid level had dropped. So they took me back to the ward gave me a shot of steroids and put a pessary in. This was agony! My cervix was so high that it was so difficult to get it in. I cried like a baby. Nothing happened with that one. A consultant came and examined me and said it wasn’t in correctly so they took it out, gave me gas and air and put it back in.
Around 11pm I was having pains around 3 minutes apart and pretty strong. They advised me to have diamorphine. Worst thing ever! I didn’t want any pain relief as I had a natural birth with my little girl and wanted to do it again... anyway it completely knocked me out and the pains stopped!
The next morning on the Wednesday at 8am they put another pessary in and gave me another shot of steroids. I was having pains all the way through until 3am the next morning then they stopped and so it was down to the gel which was put in at 7am. Around 7.30 they examined me and I was 3cm dilated. They said they would “try” to find me a room. I told them that with my first I was only in labour 5 hours and they said “you’ll be fine.”
About 8am on the Thursday morning the pains were coming thick and fast. 9am I was on the floor 😂 the girl across from me due to be induced said she was going home. 😂 I told them to get me a room and they looked at me like I was mad. I told them I have strep b and this baby is coming I need antibiotics.
I text my partner at 8.40am and my mum saying come over. They got me to a room at 9am, put up a drip and antibiotics and said I wouldn’t be so far gone. At 9.15am my partner arrived, at 9.25am my mum arrived. At 9.30am the anaesthetist arrived and started setting up an epidural has I had serious back labour. I told them I won’t have time and to check me! My midwife checked me and I was 9cm! Then my water went and at 9.35am I started to push! At 9.39am my boy was born weighing 4lb 14oz!
He was taken to NICU as he was grunting. He had lung disease, jaundice, strep B and needed 60% of his breathing done for him. He was tube fed and he was in intensive care for 15 days. 8 of these spent in high dependency. We couldn’t hold him for a long while and he kept having relapses. He came home 29/09/17 at 4lb 4oz.
Can we just take a second to appreciate the difference in 9 weeks. He’s now over 9lb and absolutely thriving with not an illness to his name!
This is Conan-Wolf and he’s a warrior. 💙

Mr Conan-Wolf says thank you for all your beautiful comments and here’s a cheeky pic for you all 💙💙

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.