Not what I was expecting


I’ve been feeling the baby move quite a bit lately. I have tried to have my husband feel the kicks but of course every time I placed his hand on my belly the baby would stop 🤦‍♀️ The baby tends to have a dance party every night when I go to bed but since I’m staying at my parents while work is being done at our house my husband hasn’t been around. Well last night after dinner the baby started kicking so I placed his hand on my belly....and he finally felt a kick! I was super excited because I love feeling our little one move. But I felt like my husbands reaction was really tame for what it was. It’s our first kid. I wasn’t expecting some crazy over the top reaction but something more than “yep I felt that” 🤷‍♀️

Not looking for advice or anything just wanted to get this off my chest