Help w relationship

For background info, I’m in high school and so is my boyfriend. We were both cheated on in our previous relationships (his last relationship was 2 years, mine was only like 5 months). We’ve been dating for almost 6 months now. Towards the 2nd month of our relationship he found out about this guy that had been flirting with me and I didn’t tell him. This may not seem like a big deal but again- highschool. I would’ve been extremely upset if the roles were reversed. This made his trust issues worse. We’ve been doing great until this month. First: I felt he’d been distant so I confronted him. He said he just hadn’t been feeling super love-y. We hung out a bunch after that and things seemed fine again. Today a friend of mine told me he hugged this girl. I may seem crazy and I know that but I didn’t have time to evaluate the situation in my head before asking him about it. He says he didn’t and I believe him because the friend who told me that isn’t very trustworthy. Anyway, now he’s upset I accused him and he feels I have no trust in him. He doesn’t want to talk to me and I’m upset. The last thing I want is judgement or mean things said. I just want help. Please comment :( I’m in class on the verge of tears and I feel so sad