How long should the LH surge last? Two days of positive OPKs?!


Hello all! Yesterday morning, I woke up to this definitive positive OPK at 8:00am:

...which was super frustrating because my husband had already left for work, and I wasn’t going to get home from my long day until late last night.

So when I got home at about 9:45pm, I tested again, and got this:

So we did the BD. 😉

And now, this morning at about 8:00am, I tested again, and:

Would the OPKs still be so positive if I have already ovulated? Glow predicted today as my OD, but I’m a little shocked that after that first positive yesterday morning that I’m still getting such solid positives.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it normal to get several definite positives over the course of a couple of days? And how soon after ovulation should the LH level drop?