Is it wrong for me to expect an apology?


So a little backstory, my mom and husband are not in good terms for many reasons. It all kind of started when she found out that I was pregnant, she threatened to pull me out of university, she said that I shouldn't marry him, and asked how I could do this to her. She acted as if I did it on purpose when I obviously didn't, I was in college and didn't expect to get pregnant. I was 20 at the time and he was 28, now we are 22 and 30. Anyways, yesterday she sent him a text message inviting him over for Thanksgiving dinner and stated that she wanted all the drama to end. He responded with a polite decline and the reasons why which are listed he also included that my step father molested me and she did nothing about it. The thing is she never knew that I was molested, I never told her. He thought I did and that she still hasn't shown any concern. Well now she knows and I believe she's acting inappropriately, she doesn't show any sympathy. She started with bombarding me with questions like "when did it happen? what was going on? etc" and after all the questioning she says that She's hurt that my husband slapped her with that information and trying to make her feel guilty bc she never knew I was molested. I told her that her emotions shouldn't be the first concern, she should ask if I'm okay, it's been 10 yrs since it happened like are you not interested in how it affected me? Also stated that I should've told her when it happened but "little girls are so stupid and never want to speak up when things happen to them. If someone touches you, you need to tell someone." She doesn't understand that it's a scary situation for kids and it's not something you want to tell the world. I feel ashamed and disgusted. She did state she wanted to put him in prison but hasn't even said sorry to me. Oh and another thing is that he has a 3rd degree sexual offense charge. When he was 20 he was fucking a 13 yr old (apparently the girls mother knew about their sexual relationship and he even lived with her). She said that his story checked out with what everything happened and it does in a way. but it's like, how can you being someone lik e that into your life when you had a 4 yr old at that time? And I was molested when I was 12/13 so obviously the motherfucker has a liking for fresh teens. I'm hurt and she doesn't seem to understand and hasn't given me much time to explain everything. Financially, she's always been a good mom and is always there for people but she's emotionally selfish and thinks about her emotions before anyone else's. Am I wrong for wanting an apology or more sympathy? I dont think it's unreasonable.