I am having second thoughts help!

Hi ladies,

I found out yesterday that I am pregnant. This was unplanned and happened with an older man who I am sleeping with.

I booked an abortion appointment which is next week. I have had one in the past so know what to expect.

However, I have started to doubt my decision. There are so many reasons that I should go through with it, those being; this man will not support the pregnancy since he does not want kids and is 48 years old, i already have one child out of wedlock and know how hard it is to raise a child alone, i dont make much money, and lastly, I still hope to find someone to spend the rest of my life with but feel that I will be labeled as something and no one would want to be with me.

But there are times where I think about having a sweet baby around again and I crave that. I know I will receive conselling at my appointment but was just hoping for some input here.