going back to work fears!


my lo is 1 on Sunday! 2 more sleeps! omg! I return to work on Dec 5th and I'm freaking out! okay not freaking out but I'm so nervous! I have a 9 year old, and my now 1 year old. I will only 've working Tuesdays and the weekend, however Tuesdays my so will have to get the boys up, fed, take 9 yo to the school bus, then leave himself with 1 yo to meet my mom so she can watch him then go to work himself. on the weekends my so will have to watch the boys from Sun up ( since I have to be at work by 630 am) till around 4. I am not concerned with my SO'S abilities to care for them. but I have never been away from my lo for more than 3ish hours... I'm just wondering what my so will do with them all day. nothing? Will they go out? he doesn't drive so if he were to go different places with them he would have to take public transit or remove the carseat from my car and install it in the cab, his dad's car etc.. I will eventually have to do evenings as well and that's even more worrisome for me since I nurse my son and he won't be able to get the comfort... sorry I just had to spell this out.... thanks if you read all of it