Faint bfps and a comparison of sensitivities

Mabel • Just a girl staring at a boy.

So, I'm a POAS addict and have been peeing on a stick every single time I pee since I got a faint positive at 10dpo in the PM. (It was negative with FMU. This is what I found:

The top brand (easy@home) took a while to show a positive.

The bottom brand (Clinical guard) is what first gave me a positive at 3pm on my 10 dpo. Been getting darker ever since. Hope this helps! I bought both in bulk off of Amazon.

A few notes: 1)Confirmed with clear blue plus and digi that afternoon. Got BFP.

2)Intentionally did not buy blue dye tests to start because I had a bad experience with a false positive/evap a couple of cycles ago.

3) The morning at 10 dpo I got a bfn with FMU! Now think I could have got a positive with first response.

Used easy@home ovulation sticks while TTC.

Baby dust to everyone!