School VS work

I'm FINALLY now under the right circumstances to go back to school full time. I have the money saved up, I have the car to drive super far to school,my school id's, enrolled in school, I have pretty much everything set up.. except.. My boyfriend and I have been living together in his privately owned 4plex for about 4 years. He's getting burnt out on his job and considering quiting.. He's asking me to stay full time work to pay for our bills and his bills incase he can't find a decent paying job. He says school isn't important, I shouldn't *have* to go to school to be as successful as I want. Those words hurt me.. I've been wanting to go back for a while now to get a good paying job that doesn't require me to be on the phone all day.. I'M SO FUCKING TIRED OF CALL CENTERS AND APOLOGIZING BECAUSE PEOPLE CAN'T PAY THEIR FUCKING CREDIT CARD BILL. I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS CALL CENTER HOLE!!! I'd do full time work and part time school but I'm so tired of these jobs.. they're so soul draining.. I have a guaranteed job with my dad that pays well immediately after college. Please help, any advice would be wonderful.