Please, Someone reply.

No one ever replies to me, so this may be a huge waste of my time but I'm going crazy. Every month I'd be terrified that I was pregnant. I would make myself think I was just so I could panic, honestly. Then last month, I just knew- it was different than any other month. I put off taking a test for a couple weeks, and finally took it, and it was positive. I miscarried at 5 weeks 5 days. About a week later, we had sex twice one night, I'm not back on birth control yet, and he pulled out both times. This was on Tuesday night. I have that horrible feeling again like I did last month. Nausea, peeing a lot, tender breasts, fatigue. It has to be way too early to be feeling symptoms, and I don't even know if there's a huge chance that I could've gotten pregnant so soon after my miscarriage? I feel like I'm panicking or my mind/body is playing tricks on me but these are symptoms I am truly feeling. Yesterday I had weird cramping- not period cramps but it wasn't all day, only a couple times throughout the day. I have no idea what's going on & I'm scared. I am 19, and although we were prepared for the baby we lost, we are now no longer together and I have no idea what to do. Anyone have any opinion on what's going on? Can I feel symptoms so early? Is there a huge chance I could've gotten pregnant? (I know there's always a chance, but what's the chance so soon after a miscarriage) Anyone else experience anything similar at all? Please, someone reply. 😞🙏🏼