Would u b mad?..


Would u be mad if your boyfriend everytime you fought tells you he hates you? That he wishes he never met u and he should’ve stayed with his ex..

I usually just think he’s dumb n immature when he’s angry and make excuses for him..

Let me give a little back story..

I’m 25 weeks pregnant. We’ve been together almost 4 years.. when we met I had recently ended an 11 year relationship with my first love and he had ended and 8 year relationship with his ex..

He has cheated on his ex many times.. he hasn’t ever “cheated” on me if ur counting psychical sexual contact.. but he did add tinder and POF and talk to other girls in a sexual way.. etc.. many times with talking to girls on phone..

He hasn’t in over a year that I know of but I don’t check his phone.. because I don’t want him going through mine cuz he was always getting angry and I never did anything.

We were getting along so great..

And about 3 days ago we fought where said all those hurtful things..

That he wished he wasn’t stuck as a part of my life forever and wishes he had a kid with someone else.. that I’ll be the worst mom and he hates me and that’s why we don’t have sex..

Im already insecure because former cheating stuff.. I try to talk to him about how our sex life basically disappearing when I got pregnant.. and how I already feel insecure cuz of past (he says fair enough n that’s it..) and I told him I already feel so unnattractive.. n he just doesn’t seem to care.

Lately I’ve been feeling more n more distance.. even when we’re getting along.. I feel like it’s my instincts.. women know and feel the difference.

It seems like he doesn’t care enough to try. N when we’re getting along he says it weirds him out to have sex with me while pregnant n the 3 times we’ve had sexual (literally) in the over 6 months I’ve been pregnant he has stopped it twice n just ended it.. and the other time was all about him n honestly felt like he was rushing to just get off n wasn’t enjoying it or didn’t care if I was..

We got into another HUGE fight yesterday because I was still upset about the things he said a few days ago in our fight.. and he never apologized or took it back.. he just tried to act like nothing happened.

I’ve been sleeping on couch when we fight.. honestly being big n pregnant it’s sometimes more comfortable anyways..

But we once again didn’t talk about our previous fight on thanksgiving.. it was bad.. he tried to act like nothing happened n I’m so sick of being stressed while pregnant that I just gave in. Usually I’ll be silent for days with him when he hurts me or even leave altogether but no where to go..

So tonight I made the bed n took my stuff off couch at bedtime and he asked where I was sleeping..

It killed my pride to say in the bed cuz I’m still very angry and hurt.. and he was like are you sure you don’t wanna sleep on the couch? And I was like I’ll try in here and if I’m uncomfortable I’ll go on couch, only problem is I’ll have to wake u up to take one of the blankets off the bed..

And he’s like well if ur more comfortable just sleep out there.. and then he’s like “so what are you doing?”.. and I was like did u not hear me say I’d try in here then go out if I need to? And he’s like oh ok..

So I’m finally like “why do u want me to sleep out there so bad?!”

And he’s like well I wanted to play” (PlayStation).. “but I’ll just wait til u fall asleep, no big deal.”

And I was like “I’ll just sleep on the couch, it’s fine.”

And then he’s like no no no I want u to sleep in here, I can wait until u fall asleep.

No thanks buddy.

So I made my bed on couch n turned off lights n he comes out a few minutes ago n asks me like 50 times to just come bed. N that he really wants me in there.


He just came out again n wanted to see what I’m writing on here n I’m like it’s my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.baby">baby app</a> n I don’t want u reading it. N he’s like why u being shady? And kept trying to read it n he’s like I know it’s about me.

I was like don’t worry about it dude, go play your game. Mind you, he’s 34 years old..

He said your being super shady. I was like well I don’t even need to be shady lately. If I wanted to do something it wouldn’t be that hard to keep it from you. Your never there, even when your ere, your on PlayStation it on phone or literally just pick fights with me n it makes me wonder why and where these random fights come from..

Is he talking to someone else and they made him mad and he’s taking it out on me?

I mean, he’s always home.. we leave for work at the same time, we get home at the same time.. but maybe he’s talking with them oh the phone? Idk..

I just wanted to get some other opinions.. I know most or all of u will say he’s an asshole and I can do better.. but does it sound like he really doesn’t love me? Or even hates me?

Do you think he says those things in anger and immaturity or because the truth comes out when your angry?

Sometimes he’s beyond excited for baby. He’s the one that threw out my birth control years ago and always talked about wanting kids..

I just don’t know.

I’m pregnant and I wish I felt loved.. I wish I felt like my man, the father of my first child was even a tiny bit sexually attracted to me.. pregnant or not..

And idk what to believe cuz when we get along he says it’s the pregnant belly freaking him out when we try to be intimate.. but when we fight he says “and you wonder why we don’t have sex? Cuz I hate you, I can’t stand you, your a loser.” He bashes my family too.

I feel trapped. Plz give me opinions.

You’d be upset about the couch sleeping thing right?? Even if he came back 20x trying to get u to go sleep next to him.. I’m sorry but he used to want to be with me 24/7. I couldn’t beat him away when he wanted sex.. which was everyday and sometimes more than once a day..

When u were pregnant with your first child did your man get weird? Like cold feet?