It’s not easy being a mom y’all.


I love my son, he is 8 months old. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and he will be born two days before my first. IRISH TWINS! Anywho..... I am a stay at home mom, and sometimes I dislike it. I’m not a perfect Mom or human being, for that matter. I like doing stuff outside the house but it’s hard to leave with a fussy and teething baby. So we stay home all the time. My husband goes to work everyday and has a very public interaction job and I miss working. Child care is so crazy expensive that it’s better if I stay home, plus I’m pregnant again. Most companies won’t hire you knowing they will have to let you go in a couple of months on maternity leave. Sigh.... I’m just having a moment. I clean, I cook, I get up with the baby at night and in the morning. I bathe our son, I feed our son, I change almost every diaper. Don’t get me wrong, I have a very hands on husband but sometimes I need a break too, ya know? I seriously LOVE my husband and my son but sometimes I need a little break for myself. A break from the diapers, the feedings, the cries, the cleaning, the laundry, the cooking......... anyone else have these days?