Relationship problems


Ladies please I really need advice. I'm 19 years old and currently in a relationship. we have been TTC for about 2 months now with no success. I am under major stress because I'm currently unemployed im dealing with A LOT OF FAMILY PROBLEMS as well as just self-confidence problems. I know that my boyfriend wants to be with me ans wants go start a family, but he still stays in contact with his ex. She and I had gotten into a little argument and she disrespected me to the max and he still stayed in contact with her (only if she texts him tho). so i took it upon myself to block her off his facebook an

d she just reached back out to him. I'm currently under the weather and have just been spotting but no period i think i might just be pregnant but im under a lot of stress because he still talks to his ex of 3 years and if i tell him i dont want him to talk to her he just says hes a grown man 🤔😐😐 i looked over my shoulder only to find him texting her off her friends facebook. my stomach is currently under a lot of pain ans my heart is beating really fast its to the point where i get mad but hold it in what should i do ladies please help i dont want to miscarry because im stressing omg