I've had enough!


so done with af showing up and ruining my week... 2 years of trying. test after test. vitamin after vitamin. I'm just so done.

I know 2 years is nothing compared to a lot of you lovely ladies on this app. But we all wanna be moms. So I feel like heart break is heart break when the bitch shows up.

I'm tired of stressing over if I'm doing everything right. seeing the sadness in my s/o's Face when I tell him month after month that I'm not pregnant.

my sis in law got pregnant 2 months after getting off birth control. when she told me that I smiled the biggest fakest smile.. yes I'm excited and happy for my brother and her. But seriously...2 effing months. I just wanna scream

but. today I'm just gonna lay in bed with a heating pad for my cramps. watch Netflix. cuddle my puppy and eat some chocolate pie. Because I can. And I'm pathetic and sad.