helppp? i need advice

boyfriend and I have been together for 5 and a half years. a few weeks ago, we got into an argument (well he was going on and complaining. I didnt say much). we're having some finacial issues and theres things about me that bug him. I'm a chill, 'go with a flow' type of girl and he wishes that I were ambitious. he is almost thirty and I'm 23 so we have a slight age difference. He wants me to go to college and get a degree, any degree. That is not what i want. its what he wants but can't because he has to work. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'd like to go back to work full time and he doesn't really want me to because he works third shift and ill be working first. he works 12 hr shifts as well. we'd never see eachother. My plan is to get a waitressing job 3 days a week for extra money and i realized i wont see him very much so it makes me miss him. he has been picking up extra days and I feel as if he doesn't miss me. doesnt even care. he just shrugs and says well we neeed the money. If we were in that bad with our finances, why not just let me work full time? I know he loves me but what if hes not in love with me. when we had that arguement the other week, I asked if he wanted us to break up and he was quiet for a moment and said well lucka, i love you. whats that even mean? am I just being crazy and making up a situation out of nothing?