Hope this gives someone the courage they may be needing!

My husband and I both met during TERRIBLE marriages, we supported each other in trying to find ways to make each other's marriages better. Mine (7years together 2 married) ended first, I couldn't take the lies and cheating any longer. A few weeks later his (they met, she got pregnant, he married her for their baby and were married three years) ended after he found out she was also cheating. Our divorces took months and we were seeing each other at this point but had not gone public for the sake of our divorces (we both have a son, 3 & 4). Once we were cleared as single people, we immediately got remarried. I can honestly say seven years means nothing after being married a year to someone who genuinely cares and wants to be with you. And after months of trying we finally got pregnant and found out today we are having a very loved little GIRL!