Cycle Buddies??? AF due 12/1!!!

Caitee • Mommy to a 2-year-old boy👩‍👦💙2/15/17🔒💖4/20💚💨

Hi, my name is Caitee. I'm a mom to one little boy, Heath David, who will be 2 on Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. Trying to conceive with my best friend/boyfriend, Cole.

AF is due on 12/1. Had sex 3 times during my fertile period. I chart and track cervical mucus and position. I think this is my 3rd cycle??? Not entirely sure, but I do feel like this might be my month!!!! Don't wanna get my hopes up again, but I feel really good this time (not literally, my boobs are actually killing me😩😂).

Anyone else due for AF on 12/1???