month number 3 of TTC after MC

Ashley • 3 beautiful babies of mine in heaven ❤️

I miscarried at 6.5 weeks in September. I was so upset even tho I was not even 7 weeks.. and I don’t want to stop trying but goodness just getting my period in October and just now in November is so upsetting. Ladies - if you have no physical problems but still struggle to have a baby how long did it take you after your miscarriage to have a baby? I know everyone’s different.. like my doctor okay’d me to start trying asap since I had a very natural and “easy” miscarriage with little to no clots. While I was getting my ultrasound to confirm my miscarriage the tech pointed out how many eggs I had and I had so many big and small im scared as more months pass the less eggs I’ll have I don’t know if I’m just paranoid or not I just want my rainbow baby :(