Teachers and Thongs

Not as much of a full detailed funny story as I used to think, but when I was in 5th or 6th grade I was stuck with this reading/ writing teacher that I absolutely hated, she was boring asf and favorited kids ANYWAYS it was silent reading time or possibly just a day where we write a prompt idk we were all at our desks and I just happened to look up and get a full view of my teachers ass bent over helping another student. She always wore shirts that looked as if she got them from baby gap, her pouch hung out from time to time so ofc it rode up her back just to reveal the straps of her neon pink thong 💀 She didn't even notice it was popping out/ being the immature 11 year old I was looking for a laugh, I made the guy across from me look behind him in which he got a face full of it and was mortified 😂 the ones who did notice just laughed/ she was never notified...