🥛Milking it up 🥛

so this happened when I was 11 (6th grade so almost 12) and I thought I was the shit/ had a "boyfriend" etc 💀 it was childish and it's embarrassing to look back at now like there was no communication and I was so awkward

anyways I was "dating" this kid a grade younger (he was the same height as me so like 5 foot 1 unlike most of the boys in my grade who were short elfs and I found him cute so it wasn't all that much weird to me 😂😂 kids in my grade thought otherwise sooo) we were "broken up" and weren't on good terms (off and on mainly) we were petty asf and he'd talk with his best friend all lunch period and I'd happen to look over to them mocking me and laughing at who knows what.

so winter break comes up along with an assembly and I preformed/ caught him staring at me the entire time and by lunch he was sitting at the boys of my grades table.... they must've pushed him into talking to me bec next thing I know ALL of the boys are staring at me and there he is like a sore thumb and he comes over smiling trying to be smooth, and when he goes to sit next to me (it was a table bench connected) he wasn't looking where he was going, he just had his eyes on me smiling, and his elbow's out and he ended up elbowing the edge of my friends tray knocking milk all over the the area.

his pants got wet and I got splashed but not to the point where it was bad or irritating, I just burst out laughing and so did the other 30 boys and even some girls of my grade of another class , my friend who got her tray knocked over was like " oh come on man" and the girls at my table/class were shooting death glares and annoyed for some reason which I don't get like they didn't get wet or whatever no one was really near my side and he got the wettest 😂 he immediately stood up red in the face and would not stop apologizing asking if I was good, probably thinking I'm soaked and mad but in reality I was just amused. I felt bad ofc bec the guys in my grade just saw him as something to play with, but he was a good sport and a goofy kid so he didn't let it get to him and either way he walked into the traps willingly but yeah