c o n f u s e d ( p l s r e a d )

Please read I need advice! 3 months ago this guy hit me up and made it clear he was really into me and we hungout and texted none stop for a week straight and made out and then he suddenly cut me off and I'm still not really sure why but around that time his ex started dming me and asking me questions so I think it had something to do with that. But anyway he completely cut me out, blocked me on all social media and advoided me in school at all costs, except for like two times when we had a conversation a few weeks after this all happened. And then recently in the past weeks and days he's said hi to me twice and we hold eye contact with each other when we pass in the hallway and I've started to catch him looking at me from a distance. I just want to know what's going on cause like he cut me out, not the other way other way around but now this is going on and I'm pretty confused, does he want to start talking again? What do you think he wants?