

Does anyone have to take tablet in pregnancy for a pregnancy rash or liver or have to get there baby monitor every week and blood took

I got kick out by my dad when he found out I was 18 year old and pregnancy so my older sister took me in with her 2 little kids and her husband and my other sister but when I got to 20 week I had to take ursodeoxycholic acid because I found out I have a liver condition and for my pregnancy rash i take chlorphenamine tablet and I have to take iron tablet because my iron is low I take all these 3 time a day I was just wondering if anyone else has the same problem and of course I take my pregnancy acid I'm 31 weeks and 3 days and today i found out that my leg has got bigger but they don't know what it's is they give me hospital special sock they meant to help with blood flow I guess we will see she told me to go back if the pain does not calm down