Post MC Update 3

Britt 🌲
I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster. First of all, Mother's Day was a tough one. I cried a lot and spent half the day alone. Also, this is our first week of TTC, and it feels very surreal. Luckily it's not the first time we've had sex since the miscarriage. (At that time, I was so relieved to not feel any physical pain, and relieved that it felt right. But I did cry hard afterwards. I thought about Icarus flying towards the sun and then plummeting back to earth.) it's good to feel closer to my husband again. I remember feeling so relieved when my body finally felt "normal", I had moments when I asked myself, "Why am I doing this again? Am I crazy?" But I trust that it will be worth it. That it will have a happier outcome. It's just weird. I really miss that innocence that I had with my first pregnancy. It's unfair that the loss casts such a shadow over the next chapter. Really unfair. One tiny step at a time...