Irregular Period?!?!

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

Soooo anyone else experiencing irregular periods? My cycles have always been 31-35 days long before baby. I had c-section and exclusively breastfeeding. However I was one of those lucky ones who got their period back relatively quickly. Got it at 9 weeks PP. so that was exactly 2 weeks ago.

So should I be having a period again just 2 weeks later??? Could it be that irregular. I had a little spotting 2 days ago after sex. And a little more today. But it was just when I’d wipe and it was very light. Tonight there was actually some blood in toilet this time. Like WTF?!?! It doesn’t seem like period though. It’s odd. It’s like fresh bright red blood sometimes but darker old blood other times. So weird.

Is that like what they call break through bleeding kinda with certain birth controls? Like I don’t know if it’s just my hormones regulating after baby. Or the fact I BF and LO has been going longer between feeds over night. Or I don’t know if it’s from sex?? Kinda had marathon sex over the weekend. And my incision was kinda hurting after. So now I’m like worried about healing on the inside like could something have torn?? I know it takes longer to heal on the inside than it does the outside. I got my all clear at 8 weeks PP and everything was great.

So I have no idea what’s happening. Anyone else experience anything like that???