Surprise! it's twins!😱

B R ! β‚¬πŸ‘‘ β€’ 29 years young, in love with my King for 6 years. We have a 2 y.o daughter, and twin girls!

Hi ladies! so we went for our dating ultrasound, come to find out that our second pregnancy is twins! i was on the pill, religiously, but i think they happened when i took antibiotics for a tooth infection. His mom is a fraternal twin. I'm not sure that it can run in a family, but i assumed this happened because i ovulated twice. I'm still in shock, not to mention terrified, because my 2 y.o daughter ended up being an emergency c-section at 39 weeks after a failed induction. If all goes well, the twins will be a scheduled c-section. Def excited, nervous, sick as can be, and praying for two healthy babies.