Induction Date!

Sierra • Oakley Paige 12/14/17 🌸 Roman Harris 10/8/19 🌙

Well we officially have the date for my induction 😊 Looks like my little girl will be making her grand appearance around Dec. 11th, at 37 weeks, instead of being the New Year baby like her due date says 😅 I'm so incredibly excited and nervous all wrapped in one! I can't wait to finally hold her 💟 (We've decided to induce with the reccomendation from my OB, a fetal specialist, and midwife. As much as we'd love for her to come naturally, since around 32 weeks her growth has began to drop after measuring perfectly the entire pregnancy and don't feel that with all of my issues this pregnancy, it's safe for me or her to continue much longer.)