cerclage removal!

Brodie • •Angel baby Wyatt Lee 10.12.16 •Baby #2 Gunner Lee Allan born 12.15.17 •Baby # 3- ended in miscarriage 5.20.19 •Baby #4 due 4.11.2020 •Married to my amazing husband Todd Lee 4.14.18 •Cosmetologist •Australian born and raised •Texas livin'

My appointment to have my cerclage removed was at 7am December first. I got all checked in filled out paperwork and was put in a l&d; room to get prepped.  The dr came in right at 8 and as soon as she put the speculum in i was in tears! (I've never had a problem with this before) it hurt so bad! Mind you I haven't been allowed to have sex since I got the cerclage at 14 weeks. My Dr said my cervix was so high and that's why it hurt. After 15 mins of pain, they decided to Give me laughing gas. It helped alot but I could still feel the pain. The nurse had to calm me down several times because i was hyperventilating. Finally everything was done at 8:40am and let's just say I'm now not ready to give birth because of the pain i just endured.