This is what pisses me off

Sheldan • 🌈BA in psych, currently working on my Psy.D. Married. one Early MC...🤰🏽🌈 #1 11/26/18. #prochoice #prolove #profreedom

so I just saw this video on CNN about this homeless lady who is using opiates while pregnant and her newborn ends up addicted to opiates and gets taken in by some guy. HOW IS IT THAT PEOPLE LIKE THIS DONT MISCARRY but us, the ones who stop smoking and drinking while ttc, take pre natals, eat a healthy diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, want a fucking kid..lose our babies. How is that fair or right. I gave up hotdogs, undercooked eggs, undercooked red meat, coffee and more yet I lost my baby but yet I know females who still smoke weed and they are in their 3rd trimester now. I did everything in my power for this not to happen but it still happened, girls who don't even want a baby, see it as a burden, don't even change their lifestyle to have a healthy pregnancy get to have their babies. This shit is so fucked up....can you tell I'm in the anger stage of the five stages of grief. acceptance should be close right? Doesn't feel like it. I keep trying to tell myself I lost my baby so 3 other women wouldn't but it doesn't help when I see shit about women doing dumb ass shit while pregnant. update: I literally never said people who use drugs should lose their babies, that I wish miscarriage/childloss on anyone, that preg individuals can't use medicine when their ob says it's okay. This post is for my healing process, please stop attacking me I don't need that right now. I need to be angry.