What a morning!!

Amanda • Wife and a mommy to Evan (6yrs) and baby Ethan 😊

Hey ladies I'm 28 weeks, I had a GD appt tomorrow to see a dietician and specialist. I decided to call and I come to find out I'm going to be paying over 100 dollars out of pocket and in the words of the girl I was talking to "and that's if they decide to do other stuff and charge you more" 🙄 anyways we can't afford that right now. I've been on a low carb/low, no sugar diet for the past 2 weeks plus working out and my numbers have been good. What's making me upset is that I felt that got defensive when I canceled my appt. They go off and tell me that if I don't reschedule my dr can drop me and that not taking care of the situation (which I am) can cause abnormalities in the baby. Like I don't need this stress. Making me feel like I don't care about my unborn baby. Idk where she Expects this money to appear from. Anyways has anyone gone through this with their insurance. Or not go to see the specialist and dr ended up dropping you? I'm gonna see about other places but seriously I'm due in February and the thought about my dr dropping me months before then freaks me out and I know most obgyns won't take in woman that far into pregnancy. 😓