waiting on doctor's orders

I failed my 1 hour glucose test by 1 point at 26 weeks...had to take the 3 hour. I failed my 1 hour blood draw on the 3 hour test by 3 points, they only diagnose you with GD if you fail 2 of the 4 blood draws or your fasting draw. My doctor is very conservative with these things and told me she would like me to meet with the diabetic educator and take my blood sugar 4 times a day or retake the 3 hour. I refuse to do the 3 hour again so for the last 2 1/2 weeks I've been counting carbs and testing 4 times a day and all of my numbers have been great and well below the maximum. Anybody else have a similar experience and were you able to stop testing? I go to the doctor on Friday, fingers crossed!