Bodies used as landmarks

Arroz con Pollo • 💉LPN🇵🇦Latina & Spicy🔥 Mommy of 2 💙💙

Hundreds of people have died attempting to climb Mount Everest. There are many bodies still there because it’s too dangerous to go retrieve them. Since the temperatures are so low, the bodies are conserved and it just looks like a person sleeping. Well climbers have been using the bodies they find along the way as landmarks to gauge where they’re at, they even named one calling him “green boots”. My question is, is that disrespectful to the dead and their family? Or since they cannot be retrieved it’s just fine? Also, if hikers are able to come across the bodies, wouldn’t that mean a rescue team can go retrieve them instead of saying it’s too dangerous to attempt? My opinion is that it’s very disrespectful and I would be beyond upset if I knew they were using my loved ones body as a landmark.

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Posted at
I think its fine. the climbers knew what they were getting to. They knew there was a good chance they weren't coming off that mountain.

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My aunt has hiked a number of mountains Mt. Everest being one of them and she has said if she were lost she doesnt want to be found. She doesnt want people to risk their lives to retrieve her if we know theres no saving her. She died doing what she loved and shes closer to heaven up there. Lol..


Posted at
I think the climbers wouldn't have minded. they knew the risks doing the climb. at least they are memorialized. But I'd like a nicer name than green boots


K🌴 • Dec 6, 2017
it's like 30k and up to try to climb the mountain, they definately have registration


de • Dec 5, 2017
Good way to fake your own death lol


de • Dec 5, 2017
That's true


Posted at
I dont think you can force someone to be exposed to such extreme environments. Those climbers made a decision to go up there. The same can be said in natural disasters. Once storms hit a certain point, especially if you made a decision to stay against recommendations or venture out, emergency services WILL NOT come out until it is safe. If you put yourself in a dangerous situation / location, you have to wait until its safe to be rescued. That just happens to be somewhere that it is never safe to go.


Posted at
I think it's actually more of a legacy. And no helicopters can't reach ALOT of the places on that mountain, and if they could the bodies are frozen to the earth or buried by ice. It's likely they'd be broken into pieces even if they were able to chip them away.


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Without landmarks they would get lost, thus we would have more dead people


Ria • Dec 5, 2017
My thoughts too


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I think most people who climb Everest and died would think it was the greatest thing ever to have that as their resting place, honestly.


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I personally would not care if someone used my dead lifeless body as a landmark. In fact, if it actually helped other people, I would be glad my body is at least helping others in some way. Lol.


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I think it's pretty cool. They may not have reached the summit, but they remain a part of others' adventures, forever a part of the mountain.


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I personally think it's very odd and weird, but at the same time what can they do? Some of those bodies have been there for years and years and can't be removed (apparently, not sure if anyone has tried recently).