Supreme Court hearing on forcing Christian baker to make cake for gay wedding....


Since the Supreme Court is hearing the case of the gay couple who sued the Christian wedding cake baker today, curious to get honest opinions. My inclination is quick to jump to “of course the baker should have to make them a cake”, if it is a service he offers it is discriminatory to not serve them. However upon further reflection, some interesting points have been raised that I’d be remiss not to consider. First, the baker considers himself an artist, in fact his shop is named masterpiece. He literally paints on many of his cakes, so he considers any custom cake a commission. In an interview he said he would happily serve them, like if they wanted any standard product from his bakery case (he also sells cookies, birthday cakes etc) but for weddings each cake is done specifically for the event. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the gay couple, that opens the door to Muslim artists being unable to turn down a project that may portray Mohammed, or a Jew having to compose a piece of music praising Jesus as the son of God. While I am in favor of gay marriage, and don’t want businesses to discriminate against anyone, there is a gray area surrounding art and we also have religious freedom in this country. What are your thoughts?

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