My boss is trying to get me fired cause im pregnant and im considering just quitting, help?

So ive been working in my aged care role for 9 months. My initial boss who hired me was amazing. She unfortunately got a transfer after 3 months and I got this new boss. In the first 3 months i had NO COMPLAINTS lodged against me. Once i got my new boss I had just fallen pregnant unexpectedly and she took an instant disliking to me. She put everyone else on permanent and not me, she did mandatory 3 month performance reviews on everyone except me. Then the complaints started... she refused to put it in writing, ignoring my emails, would only talk on the phone and provided no proof of the complaints. Mainly stuff like I wasnt at the house for the entire service (i was) or i didnt clean the house good enougy for clients. It has gotten to a point she is calling me weekly, today, saying i am the common demoninator and that im the only person who she receives complaints about. I am at the stage i am scared to answer the phone. I announced my pregnancy about 2 weeks ago i got no congratulations or anything from her. If i am still employed in 8 weeks she has to offer me maternity leave paid, and i believe shes trying to run me out of a job so she doesnt have to give me leave. I put in 110% and my clients sign a form before i leave to confirm the time i was there and everything i did... so i have paperwork to prove i am doing my job correctly. It doesnt seem to matter though, she threatened to put me on a warning of dismissal... i just feel like she hates me and wants me out. Has anyone gone through this? I am currently 20 weeks gone