Share your conception stories!


Every time I read posts about couples ttc for years and it never happening or reading about women miscarrying time after time I feel incredibly guilty and I simply don’t know how to comfort any of them. I’ve been very quiet about my pregnancy because I know so many people that have miscarried, or have had lots of failed adoption attempts. But I’m just starting my third trimester and I just want to take a moment and acknowledge how blessed I am.

My SO and I said last year that in October 2017 we would stop taking birth control but in June he simply couldn’t wait anymore and told me to stop taking it. I’ve been dying for him to say that so instantly I did. A week later, I had what I thought was withdrawal bleeding, well I guess I ovulated afterwards because the two weeks later I took a test and BAM! It was positive. I was like, “What!? Less than a month and I’m pregnant?? How? Is this legit?” We figured it would take a few months anyways so we were still planning on October being our month 😅

I was very anxious the first few months since my mom AND older sister both miscarried their first pregnancies. I figured if my uterus resembled anyone else’s it was probably theirs, and lots of people were telling me to not get my hopes up since miscarriages are hereditary (btw I don’t know if that’s a myth orrr what) but here I am only a couple months left and baby girl is still heathy 🙌

literally I don’t understand why the universe let me get so lucky but I’m so thankful. I have been feeling crappy that so many couples that have been together for years, have their shit together, and literally only want a child in life are having such a hard time when it was incredibly simple for me. I really DO NOT mean to brag. I just read so many conception stories and finally I’m accepting that even if it didn’t take you very long or was an accident, it’s still something to celebrate 💕

Baby dust to anyone trying and I hope my story doesn’t come off as cocky at all. Now let me hear yours!