Starting to get excited about my 🌈!!!

Brittanie 🦖 • Our rainbow baby is here! Catori Jade 7/25/18 🌈👶🏽 after 2 mc in 4 months (7/31/17&10/25/17) 👼🏼👼🏼 Will be trying for baby #2 in a few years 😅

So a little back story... I’ve had two miscarriages this year and I’m currently pregnant with baby #3!! (#1 to be born)

When I first tested on dec 1st (a week after my period was supposed to be due) I got a kinda faint like that got darker after the 3 min so I was a little skeptical at first...

but then I got more tests and tested this morning to ease my mind and almost as soon as the pee hit the test, it was a thick line!!

I’m at 5 weeks 2 days today and this has helped me so much to calm down and to help myself believe that 3rd time could really be a charm!!

But I don’t think I’ll believe it for real until I hear a heartbeat for the first time.

Good luck to all mommas and sticky baby dust to all! ✨💕